The Importance of a Shopping Center in Activating its Assets

Interview with Irene Espejo, Marketing Manager at Parc Central

The Kilite: Hi, Irene. Thank you for joining us today. We’d like to talk about the Tarraco Experience campaign and the importance of shopping centers in activating their assets.

To start, what motivated Parc Central to launch this campaign?

Irene: Hi, thank you for having me. At Parc Central, we are always looking for innovative ways to attract and retain our audience. Tarragona has an incredible historical richness, and we wanted to leverage that heritage to offer something unique to our visitors. The Tarraco Experience campaign allowed us to do just that, using Augmented Reality technology to create a deep connection between the city’s history and the contemporary experience of visiting our shopping center.

The Kilite: What goals did you have when you started this campaign?

Irene: Our main goal was to revitalize interest in the shopping center by increasing both visitor traffic and the length of their visits. We wanted to offer an educational and entertaining experience that highlighted the cultural value of our location, which is built over a Roman archaeological site. Additionally, we aimed to strengthen Parc Central’s identity as a place where modernity and history converge, making each visit something memorable.

The Kilite: What has been achieved with Tarraco Experience so far?

Irene: The results have been very positive. The campaign has been well received not only by tourists but also by local visitors, who have rediscovered the history of their own city. The interactive experience has sparked a lot of conversation on social media and has caught the attention of local and even national media, significantly increasing our visibility.

The Kilite: What has this campaign brought to your audience?

Irene: Tarraco Experience has provided our visitors with an innovative and fun way to learn about the history of ancient Roman Tarraco in Tarragona. Augmented Reality has allowed customers to visualize what life was like in Tarraco, making history more accessible and engaging. For the local customer, it’s been an opportunity to connect with their roots in a way that wasn’t possible before. It has also fostered a sense of community pride and sparked greater interest in local heritage.

The Kilite: Finally, how important is it for a shopping center like Parc Central to engage in asset activation?

Irene: A shopping center should be more than just a place to shop; it should be a space for enriching experiences and community gatherings. By activating our assets, such as the Roman archaeological site under Parc Central, we not only offer something distinctive and valuable to our visitors but also contribute to the local community. Initiatives like Tarraco Experience allow us to differentiate ourselves, attract new audiences, and solidify our position as a cultural and commercial landmark in Tarragona.

The Kilite: Thank you so much, Irene, for sharing with us the vision and achievements of Tarraco Experience. It’s truly an inspiring project.

Irene: Thank you for the opportunity to share our experience. We’re very excited about what we’ve achieved and the future initiatives that will allow us to continue offering unique experiences to our visitors.

How to Design an Effective Digital Campaign Without E-commerce

In today’s world, where e-commerce dominates much of the digital landscape, it’s easy to forget that not all digital campaigns are geared towards online sales. In fact, many brands thrive through digital campaigns that focus on different objectives, such as increasing brand recognition, generating leads, promoting events, or fostering customer loyalty. At The Kilite, we understand that an effective digital campaign does not solely depend on whether or not you have an e-commerce platform, but on a well-designed and executed strategy. Here we share our tips for creating a successful digital campaign without an online store.

Clearly Define Your Objectives 

The first step for any successful digital campaign is to be clear about what you want to achieve. Do you want to increase brand recognition? Generate leads? Promote an event? Increase engagement on social media? Defining specific and measurable objectives is crucial as they will guide all the strategic and tactical decisions of the campaign. Example: If your goal is to increase brand recognition, you could measure success through the increase in social media mentions, website visits, or follower growth.

Know Your Audience 

Understanding your audience is essential. Conduct research to know their interests, behaviors, and needs. Use analytics tools and social listening to gain valuable insights. Creating customer profiles (buyer personas) will help you personalize your message and choose the right channels for your campaign. Example: If your main audience consists of marketing professionals, you could focus your campaign on LinkedIn and share educational content that connects with their interests and work challenges.

Choose the Right Channels 

Not all digital platforms are the same, nor do they work for all purposes. Choose the channels that best align with your objectives and audience. Social media, blogs, email marketing, podcasts, or ads are just some of the options available. The key is to select those where your audience is most active and receptive. Example: For a lead generation campaign, you could use LinkedIn and email marketing, as these are suitable platforms to reach a professional audience.

Create Valuable and Relevant Content 

Content is the heart of any digital campaign. Ensure that your content is relevant, valuable, and aligned with the interests of your audience. Use different formats such as blogs, videos, infographics, and webinars to maintain the interest and engagement of your audience. Example: If you are promoting an event, you could create a series of short videos with highlights from previous events, attendee testimonials, and interviews with speakers.

Design a Distribution and Promotion Strategy 

Having excellent content is not enough; you need a strategy to distribute and promote it effectively. Leverage the power of social media, email marketing, and collaborations with influencers or strategic partners. Also, consider paid advertising to expand your reach. Example: Use a combination of organic social media posts, segmented email marketing campaigns, and ads on platforms like Facebook Ads or Google Ads to ensure your message reaches as many people as possible.

Monitor and Adjust Your Campaign 

One of the advantages of digital marketing is the ability to measure and adjust in real-time. Use analytics tools to monitor the performance of your campaign. Analyze what is working and what is not, and make adjustments as needed to optimize results. Example: If you notice that a series of emails has a low open rate, try adjusting the subject line or content to make it more appealing. Working on the call to action will be another key to your success.

Designing an effective digital campaign without e-commerce requires a well-thought-out and executed strategy. By clearly defining your objectives, knowing your audience, choosing the right channels, creating relevant content, distributing it effectively, and monitoring performance, you can achieve significant impact and reach your business goals.

At The Kilite, we are here to help you navigate this process and create digital campaigns that resonate with your audience and generate tangible results. 

Contact us, and let’s start building your next successful campaign!

AI is Changing the Way We Search (and the Search Engine)

Por Jordi Bordes, Social Media Paid Specialist & SEO Expert

In recent months, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the world of marketing, and SEO is no exception. It is said that AI will change the way we search, but what it will really transform is the search engine itself. Although AI has been a crucial part of the evolution of search for years, its impact has grown exponentially recently.

Evolution of AI in SEO

With the advent of Large Language Models (LLM), SEO experienced a significant shift. Initially, AI was used to create content, then for the mass creation of content, and later for the generation of numerous websites. But today we will focus on how AI will change the search engine itself and not just what ranks or appears on it.

What is SGE?

Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) is Google’s generative search experience. This experimental version of the search engine uses AI to generate contextual responses to complex questions. Launched in 120 countries on November 8, 2023, SGE is expected to become an integral part of the digital experience, modifying the search engine results page and, with it, search behavior.

How Does SGE Work?

Although in Spain Google has gradually incorporated some of these features into the search engine, it is currently not accessible from our country, and we cannot test it. However, it is accessible in Google Labs as long as you connect via VPN.

And that’s what we’ve been doing for the past few months, conducting searches with Google’s generative AI to see how these changes will affect the search engine, the search experience, and, of course, our clients’ websites, e-commerce, map listings, etc.

Unlike the traditional search engine, which relies on retrieving relevant web pages, SGE uses artificial intelligence to offer a more comprehensive and informative search experience.

How Does It Do It?

Better Understanding of User Intentions:

SGE goes beyond keywords, analyzing the context of the search to understand what the user really wants to know.

Generates More Dynamic Response Formats:

Instead of simply showing links to websites, SGE can offer topic summaries, comparisons, data visualizations, and even generate different creative text formats, such as poems or code.

Provides a More Personalized Experience:

SGE takes into account the user’s search history and preferences to offer more relevant and individualized results.

Integrates with Other Google Tools:

SGE can interact with other Google tools, such as Gmail or Calendar, to offer a more seamless and contextualized search experience.

Online Shopping:

Provides a list of features and more product details in commercial/transactional searches.

How Does It Affect SEO?

According to Google, with SGE, traditional ranking factors such as keyword density and backlinks will remain important, but so will creating high-quality content that addresses user needs clearly and concisely. Essentially, the same as before, supposedly…

The Importance of Search Intent

But in reality, it depends greatly on the user’s search intent. Depending on this, the experience obtained in the results will vary significantly, from almost identical results to those currently to ones that are entirely different.

Informative Searches:

These types of keywords could be used in a content SEO strategy, blog, etc. They are apparently the ones that will undergo the most change, possibly generating AI responses in most cases, leading to a greater decrease in organic clicks and impressions. SGE is expected to generate more relevant and high-quality responses but can also go beyond its own response and traditional results to suggest additional resources, such as related articles, videos, or podcasts, that complement the search.

Navigational Keywords:

When users search for a specific page. An example of this type of search is brand searches, product+brand, media outlet, specific information source, etc. In such cases, the SEO impact would be minimal, as the user wants to access a specific website and what SGE will do is provide faster access by quickly identifying the websites the user frequently visits, anticipating needs, making suggestions, and improving navigation between devices.

Commercial Searches:

Keywords that look for a specific service/product. These types of keywords could be used in an SEO strategy for an e-commerce category page. SGE can offer users more complete and informative summaries of product categories, including features, comparisons with other products, and user reviews. This could reduce the need for users to visit multiple pages to find the information they seek and even enter e-commerce sites less unless they are already ready to make a purchase. It could eventually decrease impressions and/or clicks, but not necessarily sales if you have pages that provide quality information to generate these results and allow your products to stand out above competitors and/or substitutes.

Transactional Searches:

Searches oriented towards making a purchase. SGE will offer more personalized shopping experiences: it can provide personalized product recommendations based on search history, user preferences, and search context, simplified product comparisons, and even facilitate the purchase process by integrating functions such as voice search or augmented reality.

It remains a mystery what the actual CTR will be for the different positions in the various SGE result carousels and the role ads will play (Google’s real revenue source). Still, there are models, experiments, and speculations for all tastes, more or less optimistic or pessimistic, but it is clear that the coming change will be significant, especially for informational searches.

Note: This article was not written by AI, it just helped a bit, but it could have been.

Stay tuned to all our content to stay ahead!

 The Role of PR

By Poppy Grijalbo, PR, Art Patron, Publisher, Lifestyle Advisor & Charity Maker.

In today’s world, the launch of a brand would be inconceivable without Public Relations (PR). PR professionals effectively bridge the gap between our clients and various audiences.While I specialize in PR, I don’t manage communications; for that, I rely on expert colleagues when needed.

What PR professionals do?

We help build and strengthen brands, companies, and clients. We ensure that messages are consistent and aligned with the company’s values and goals.

Through careful communication management, we aid in building and maintaining a positive reputation.

Generating anticipation  and excitement

PR strategies are designed to generate media coverage before, during, and after an event, increasing visibility and creating anticipation.PR tells compelling and engaging stories through events that capture the interest of the audience and the media.

Direct interaction with the audience

Through events, PR facilitates direct and meaningful interactions between the brand and the consumer, creating memorable experiences. Events allow for immediate feedback from attendees, which is invaluable for refining and improving future strategies.I always tell my clients: “If you have eggs and potatoes and know what to do with them, you don’t need me.”

Crisis Management

We must be prepared to handle any adverse situation that may arise during an event, providing the client with the assurance that everything is under control.

In a crisis, PR ensures that messages are clear, transparent, and managed positively and professionally. Each event teaches us, and we learn to make strategic adjustments to improve future activations and events.

Evaluating the Impact Created

Through positive and memorable experiences, PR contributes to audience loyalty and strengthens long-term client relationships.

Long-Term Relationships

Networking is essential and helps in building audience loyalty and strengthening relationships. Maintaining a database with knowledge of each individual’s name is crucial.

But… What Skills Are Needed?

– Ability to write and speak clearly, persuasively, and appropriately to different audiences.

– Ability to establish and maintain relationships with clients, employees, and other stakeholders. 

– Crisis management skills to minimize damage to the organization’s reputation.

– Ability to plan and execute PR campaigns that align with the client’s objectives, and to listen effectively.

Public relations are fundamental to building and maintaining a positive image, managing public perception, and ensuring effective communication between the organization and its key audiences.

How to Approach a Communication Strategy with a Brand that Only Has One Product?

The Case of Olistic

The nutraceutical industry has experienced exponential growth in recent years, with a plethora of brands launching multiple products to address various health and wellness needs. However, Olistic has shown that success can be achieved with a strategy focused on a single distinctive formula based on the latest scientific innovation, available in two variants: Olistic Men and Olistic Women. This article reveals how to design and execute an effective communication strategy for a brand with two product references.

1. Clarity and Focus in the Message

One of the main benefits of having two product references is the ability to maintain clear and coherent communication. Instead of spreading efforts across multiple messages for different products, Olistic has concentrated its strategy on highlighting the unique properties of its advanced formula. The message was very clear: to holistically care for the overall health of the hair from the inside out. The key here is to understand and effectively communicate what makes your product unique and how it meets the needs of your target audience (one message, with a tone adapted for men and women).

At Olistic, communication focuses on the scientifically-backed benefits of the formula and how it specifically caters to the needs of men and women. This clarity and focus allow every piece of content, from social media posts to press releases, to consistently reinforce the same message.

2. Brand Building and Customer Relationship

Building a solid brand is essential, especially when you have only one product. Olistic has invested efforts in creating a brand identity that resonates with its consumers.

Moreover, the relationship with the customer has become a central pillar. Olistic uses relational marketing strategies to maintain continuous communication with its customers, collecting feedback and adjusting its communication and service based on these interactions. We firmly believe in bidirectional communication from brand to customers and customers to brand to continue building a loyal and committed community in the right direction.

3. Education and Valuable Content

In a booming industry like nutricosmetics, education is fundamental. Olistic has adopted a strong content strategy that not only promotes the product but also focuses on educating the consumer about the science behind nutraceuticals, in & out care for hair health, and overall well-being.

Blog articles, well-segmented newsletters according to customer typology, webinars with health experts, and downloadable guides are some of the tools used to provide additional value to consumers. This strategy not only positions Olistic as a thought leader in the industry but also helps build trust and credibility.

4. Testimonials and Real Cases

Testimonials are crucial components of Olistic’s communication strategy. Testimonials from satisfied customers and positive reviews not only validate the product’s effectiveness but also act as a powerful tool for resolving doubts of other potential customers and a great trust generator around the brand. At Olistic, we have over 12K verified customer reviews and a TrustScore of 4.5/5, resulting in a trustworthy brand.

Olistic has implemented campaigns that encourage users to share their experiences on social media, creating a constant flow of user-generated content that not only amplifies the brand’s reach but also provides tangible evidence of the product’s benefits.


In terms of communication, focusing our efforts on a single formula adapted to men and women based on cutting-edge science has allowed us to establish a solid position as leaders in hair health, reaching the top spot in pharmacies. This approach has enabled us to effectively communicate the benefits of our products, fostering customer trust and loyalty. By focusing on advanced and scientifically-backed solutions, we have managed to stand out in a specific niche, gaining a significant competitive advantage.

The Video Podcast: A Revolutionary Media

By Maria Almenar, Fashion Journalist and Podcast Host for Brands

If history teaches us anything, it is that it repeats itself, whether in long periods or increasingly brief and fleeting cycles. Many phenomena of the past are experienced in adapted forms in modern times, producing that common feeling of déjà vu, thinking: “I’ve lived through this before, in different times and circumstances.”

The Buggles immortalized a pop culture hit in 1979: ‘Video Killed the Radio Star. This milestone of their fleeting career also coincided with another achievement: it was the first song to launch the MTV phenomenon two years later, keeping teenagers of the 80s and 90s glued to their televisions with music videos. Technology was changing the world. Video players had come to dominate, replacing sound as the primary medium. Radio was part of the past; video represented the future. Modernity.

A Revolution That Is Heard

This dynamic is repeating itself today with the advent of the podcast, considered the communication medium of the 21st century. It was born two decades ago when journalist Ben Hammersley first coined the term in the prestigious newspaper The Guardian to define the habit of consuming digital audio content on demand.

Now in its maturity, the podcast industry has evolved, with the United States market being its natural and predominant habitat globally, boasting millions of users and increasingly younger audiences hooked on this listening revolution that breaks away from the static formulas and narrative formats of conventional radio. The latest data from Edison Research’s “The Podcast Consumer 2024” report confirms this.

In Europe, Spain leads in podcast consumption with a high rate of listeners leaning towards this audio format. According to the 2023 Annual Digital Audio Study by IAB Spain, podcast consumption has grown significantly, with 54% of internet users regularly listening to podcasts, representing a 10-point increase from the previous year.

And Now, It’s Also Watched

Since 2020, the podcast has accelerated its transformation process, driven by the latest trends in online video, more experimental narratives, and the demands of digital natives. Thus emerged the audio that is also consumed through the eyes: the video podcast or vodcast, as it’s now often abbreviated. History repeats itself, but with nuances and variations.

The video podcast is not merely the younger sibling of the podcast. We could say it is a new adaptation. Or, following advertising jargon, the best version of itself now that pushing boundaries is in vogue. This time, digital audio and video coexist in this innovative format. They can take separate paths, capitalizing on the strengths of each distribution platform that influences listening or viewing. Neither one devours the other. They complement each other, creating powerful synergies that attract new waves of listeners through the mighty YouTube (video) or Spotify (audio) as the most popular platforms consumed especially among young people. In recent years, video podcasts have been gaining presence and weight in audiovisual platforms and large distributors of digital content. And something very representative of this new medium, although there are several consumer profiles, can broadly verify an evident fact: the video podcast has particularly seduced Gen Z. And why, you may ask?

The new generation of young people has found in this medium a flexible format of diverse content that can be as trivial and light, intended for mere entertainment, as specialized in a subject to conquer the most restless minds. It is also an easy medium to produce, consume, and disseminate, apparently spontaneous, that speaks to them directly, and in many cases represents them by showing without taboos some of their tastes, interests, and needs. Advantages that, by the way, mainstream media have been unable to achieve even remotely.

At this point, I invite you to a reflection. Close your eyes and visualize the young people around you. How many people under 30 do you know who get informed through mainstream press, listen to radio programs regularly, or entertain themselves with television? If you know any, congratulations! You have discovered the exception.

The video podcast also opens the door to conversation, to the incorporation of experiments by all kinds of content creators, consolidates an active audience that, in turn, can participate and interact with the format and something even more interesting, creates community. And we already know that, in a world of isolated individuals consuming personalized products and services, everything that creates bonds and bridges of dialogue between several people is worth gold.

A sirens’ song for brands

Given such virtues, brands have seen in the video podcast a source of wealth. We are talking about branded podcasts. A means of communication to humanize the brand, whether internally or externally, and an indispensable strategic tool to fulfill other objectives such as retaining their audience, expanding new audiences, nurturing networks with genuine content, or conveying and disseminating related values in an enjoyable and entertaining way, among others.

Furthermore, each format offers different monetization possibilities ranging from product placement actions to video advertising or sponsorship.

In any case, the podcast and video podcast industry continues to revolutionize the digital landscape with a horizon full of opportunities. According to the report “Top Digital Trends 2024” prepared by IAB Spain, the association of advertising, marketing, and digital communication in Spain, “the podcast will continue its expansion in 2024, but towards a growing focus on specialization and the creation of communities, where the listener will connect through real-time surveys or questions to be answered during listening.”

This is just the beginning.

A Trends Researcher’s Take on How the Internet Impacts Consumer Behavior

By Chity del Pozo, brand consulting and consumer psychology expert

It is curious to observe how society has been adapting to new times and new technologies rapidly, especially in the wake of the pandemic. All generations have increased their skills in the online world, which has become a continuous source of interest and curiosity.

Who, nowadays, has not made an online purchase or connected to a platform for a professional or personal meeting? Who has not tried or is eager to try Artificial Intelligence? Virtual ideal matches and beauty pageants are already being organized using AI, along with various jobs and articles that make our lives easier.

Technology during the pandemic pushed us out of our comfort zone, forcing us to learn things we might not have learned for years, but we did it because humans are like that; we succeed when challenged.

ICT is altering everything, presenting daily challenges. We are in the midst of a technological revolution, the consequences of which future generations will discuss and explain, but which has already modified almost everything around us:

The way we relate, socialize, or even seek partners is increasingly virtual. We interact through networks or platforms more naturally and routinely because it is more comfortable, reaches more people, and is faster.

Health, well-being, and care are now facilitated through health applications that monitor our vital signs daily or track physical exercise. Smartwatches and platforms allow us to stay updated on our body’s information at all times. Post-pandemic, we have become accustomed to telemedicine: online or phone medical consultations that were previously uncommon. Elderly people living alone can monitor and communicate through telecare devices or accompany themselves with robots that remind them when to take medication and engage in conversation, among other things.

The world of work has also been transformed in every aspect. Today, younger generations demand remote work, and job offers already classify positions based on whether they are onsite, remote, or hybrid. New entrepreneurial talent is also captured through networks, and profiles are discarded based on what is perceived through their social media. In this sense, it seems that we are moving towards a collaborative work approach to maximize employee performance and satisfaction, as trends suggest, but we will increasingly work separately.

The business market is influenced by intelligent applications and new software programs that autonomously analyze data, understand patterns, predict outcomes, and perform tasks that previously required human intervention. These technologies also simplify and accelerate the process of analysis and reporting. This, coupled with what is called “datafication,” will allow predicting trends, behaviors, and personalizing services, although now it seems that robots are experiencing breakdowns from working 20-hour shifts… We’ll keep an eye on what this will entail.

Learning is evolving. New generations are learning through connectivity, as the internet takes us from one place of interest to another, helping us internalize knowledge. Learning to filter what interests us and establish connections between disparate knowledge is the essence of connectivism. Teachers must use technology in the classroom to help students develop these skills because it is now impossible to attend as before. The theory of connectivist learning is relatively new; it takes into account the digital age and is based on how we use different “connected” networks to learn and expand our knowledge—seemingly more effective in teaching new generations.

Media consumption has shifted online, capturing and connecting with audiences. We are witnessing the decline of traditional television, print newspapers, and radio, while podcasts, videos, and online advertisements continue to grow. Brands are also utilizing shorts, series, and other programs to engage with people. Out-of-home advertising is increasing because it apparently proves most effective, or even false news is communicated to grab attention (FOOH), like McDonald’s launching a french fries-scented perfume in China, which had us fooled for 15 days, but kept us engaged with the brand.

Entertainment and culture are becoming increasingly digital. Preferences lean towards series over movies, on-demand content penalizes classic entertainment forms such as cinema, theater, and museums, which have had to reinvent themselves to become more experiential and immersive to fill audiences.

Purchasing is becoming more immediate and home-delivered. Those who didn’t engage in it before initiated it during the pandemic, and now convenience and immediacy are paramount, as well as mobile or watch-based payments.

Organizing daily life and the possibility of always being connected, alerting us to what we need to do at every moment and keeping us constantly in touch, whether we want it or not.

Now, we have yet to see how all this, which seems to help us and make our lives easier, especially during a pandemic where we could stay home, truly does so. Yes, we have changed a lot in a short time, and new technologies help us stay connected, informed, and provide conveniences, but will it be real? Is it healthy to always be connected, or will more and more people suffer from FOMO syndrome? How will these technologies affect us in the future? Why are there increasingly more Luddite movements and platforms against screen usage in children? Why do many services and brands already offer disconnection options?… Time will tell, and we’ll see who it sides with.

Innovation in Guided Dental Surgery: Inibsa’s Commitment to Digital Technology

Interview with Eduard Goñalons, Director of Marketing and Sales Iberia at Inibsa

In an era where digital technology has become the cornerstone of significant advancements in healthcare, pioneering companies like Inibsa are at the forefront, radically transforming dental surgery. Through our recent partnership with Barcelona Health Hub, a non-profit association promoting innovation in digital health, we are proud to present an exclusive conversation with Eduard Goñalons, Director of Marketing and Sales Iberia at Inibsa. In this interview, Eduard reveals how Inibsa is leading the digital revolution in the dental field with innovative projects like guided surgery, highlighting the positive impact on medical practice and patient experience. Moderated by Beth Prat, Director of The Kilite, this conversation not only delves into the evolution and future of digital health from Inibsa’s perspective but also celebrates the crucial role of strategic collaborations in advancing towards a more innovative future in healthcare. Get ready to discover how the convergence of technology, vision, and collaboration is redefining excellence standards in dental care.

Beth Prat: To start, we’re very interested in understanding the current landscape of the digital health segment. From Inibsa’s perspective, how have you seen this area evolve in recent years and what impact has this evolution had on dental practice?

Eduard Goñalons: I appreciate this opportunity to discuss such an important topic, which in recent years has become one of the key trends in the overall healthcare sector. Particularly in the dental field, over the past decade, we have witnessed a dramatic transformation in clinical practice. Just 2 or 3 years ago, digitalization was more of a novelty, with only about 25% of dental clinics incorporating digital technologies. Today, that figure stands at over 70%, a change that has revolutionized the way dental care is provided. This technological leap has enabled more precise and personalized treatments, marking a before and after in the quality of care and outcomes for patients.

Beth Prat: We’ve recently seen the collaboration between Inibsa and BiteRight, an alliance promising to revolutionize dental surgery. Could you share more details about how this guided surgery project can transform implantology?

Eduard Goñalons: This collaboration with BiteRight represents a milestone for us. By combining our expertise in tissue regeneration and surgical solutions with BiteRight’s technological innovation, we are taking dental surgery to a new level. Digital guided surgery relies on advanced digital techniques to improve the accuracy of implants and prosthetics. However, what truly sets BiteRight’s solution apart in the market is its accessibility, simplicity, and guarantee of success. It’s a solution that requires no initial investment, software installation, or licensing fees. It’s a web-based system, just three steps, which means a very fast learning curve for the dentist. Its simplicity also translates into time and effort savings during the intervention. Additionally, being compatible with most implant brands gives dentists the flexibility to adapt to each case. For patients, this results in less stressful experiences, faster recoveries, and more satisfactory outcomes. Our vision has always been to improve patients’ quality of life through innovation, and this alliance allows us to significantly advance toward that goal by offering safer, personalized, and efficient treatments.

Beth Prat: Eduard, we’d like to know more about the origin of this innovative guided surgery project. How did the idea come about, and what obstacles did you have to overcome?

Eduard Goñalons: The idea of guided surgery arose from our constant search for solutions that could drive the evolution of dental surgery, just as we have done for the past 30 years with leading products in bone and soft tissue regeneration in collaboration with global leaders like Switzerland’s Geistlich. By observing emerging technological trends and listening to the needs of industry professionals, we identified the opportunity to collaborate with BiteRight to take these innovations to the next level. One of the main challenges (which has also become a competitive advantage) has been integrating 3D printing and CAD technology. In this way, we not only do not interfere with existing workflows, but we also facilitate the process for the clinician. We have put a lot of effort into ensuring that the technology is accessible and manageable by the dentist, which involves significant training and adaptation work. Close collaboration with BiteRight has been and continues to be key to overcoming these obstacles, allowing us to offer a solution that truly improves both treatment effectiveness and patient experience.

Beth Prat: Within the guided surgery project, how has digital technology been integrated into daily clinical practice, and what has been the reception among dental professionals?

Eduard Goñalons: The integration has been smooth and very well received. We use computer-aided design (CAD) tools, as well as artificial intelligence resources, to plan procedures and 3D printing techniques, thus facilitating the execution of surgical procedures with maximum guarantee. This has not only improved precision in interventions but has also facilitated dentists’ visualization and treatment planning. The response from professionals has been extremely positive, particularly appreciating how this technology allows them to offer better patient care with greater confidence, predictability, and less time dedication.

Beth Prat: Could you share some specific examples or case studies where the implementation of guided surgery has resulted in significant improvements in patient outcomes?

Eduard Goñalons: Certainly, one of the standout examples is that of a patient in need of multiple implants. Thanks to guided surgery, we were able to accurately plan the placement of implants before the intervention. This not only reduced surgical time by over 60% but also minimized the risk of complications, resulting in a faster and less painful recovery for the patient. Another case was that of a patient in need of complex dental reconstruction, for which guided surgery allowed for a completely personalized approach that significantly improved the functionality and aesthetics of their smile. These cases illustrate how guided surgery can positively transform the treatment experience for patients, both in relatively straightforward cases for the professional and in much more delicate or complex situations.

Beth Prat: It’s truly exciting to see how Inibsa is leading this change in the healthcare sector, with innovation as a fundamental pillar. Before we conclude, is there anything else you would like to share with us about your guided surgery project or Inibsa’s future vision?

Eduard Goñalons: Thank you, Beth. I take this opportunity to emphasize the importance of collaboration and innovation in the healthcare sector. With our guided surgery project in collaboration with BiteRight, we are not only ushering in a new era in dental surgery but also demonstrating how technology can make treatments safer, more effective, and accessible. Looking ahead, we are excited to see the possibilities that digitization offers to continue improving healthcare. And Inibsa is fully committed to leading this change, working hand in hand with healthcare professionals, patients, and partners like BiteRight to realize our vision of more personalized and humane healthcare.

Beth: It’s been a real pleasure speaking with you, Eduard. At The Kilite, we deeply value evolution, change, and creativity, considering them essential pillars for inspiring and advancing our society. We are honored to serve as a platform for disruptive companies like Inibsa, which are leading the way towards a more innovative future in the dental sector. We sincerely appreciate your time and the inspiring ideas you have shared with us.

We are excited to see how this journey towards innovation in digital health continues to evolve with Inibsa

Alliance with Barcelona Health Hub to drive innovation in Digital Health

In an ever-evolving world, innovation in the healthcare sector is crucial to enhancing people’s quality of life and optimizing medical services. At The Kilite, we are proud to announce our recent partnership with Barcelona Health Hub, a crucial step in our shared commitment to fostering innovation and progress in the field of digital health.

Currently, digitization is radically transforming the way healthcare is delivered, from diagnosis to patient monitoring. Amidst this dynamic landscape, collaboration and partnership become even more important. That’s why we are excited to join forces with Barcelona Health Hub, a leading platform that brings together key players in the digital health ecosystem.

By partnering with Barcelona Health Hub, we are not only strengthening our position in the sector but also opening new doors for innovation and growth. This alliance provides us with access to an invaluable network of contacts, networking opportunities, and shared insights that will enable us to develop even more effective, patient-centered solutions.

But beyond the commercial benefits, this partnership also inspires us to explore hot topics in the field of digital health. And what better way to delve into these issues than through the experiences and perspectives of industry leaders.

That’s why we are pleased to announce that we will soon be publishing an exclusive interview with Eduard Goñalons, Iberia sales director at Inibsa, a Spanish company that is a reference in the global dental market. He will talk to us about the challenges and opportunities facing the industry, as well as the crucial role of innovation in Inibsa’s marketing strategy.

At The Kilite, we continue to drive innovation and make a positive difference in the digital world, in this case focusing on the healthcare sector.

How to Create Your Personal Branding from Scratch with Piluka de Echegaray

By Piluka de Echegaray, image expert

Understanding what exactly “personal branding” is will make it so you can assess your transcendence, purpose and importance.

The way in which you’re seen by others depends on several factors. These include how you look, your actions, your behaviour, and how you communicate in all areas of life, both personally and online.

And, of course, how you see yourself provides the most important feedback when it comes to feeling secure and that security will be what makes you attractive.

The concept of personal branding involves seeing yourself like a company brand because that’s what it is.

Good personal branding will bring the desired results and the success sought. So, designing a good strategy while thinking about your pre-defined goals will be key to your success.

It all begins with setting some objectives based on the public you wish to reach, the product you must sell, etc. Once you’ve set some goals, the first thing you must do is deeply analyse your personality, attributes and appearance.

In line with those goals, you should assess which of your characteristics shall be emphasised to guide and boost the message you’d like to transmit.

When it comes to good personal branding, nothing can be made up. Everything must be based on reality. And you shouldn’t send out any messages that have nothing to do with you. There are two very important reasons for this. The first is that there’s no point in deceiving anyone as that would turn into a future deception with all the effort and energy wasted. However, if the messages you’re sending out define you perfectly, it will all be much easier and will only attract people and circumstances that are appropriate for you.

And the second is that the message you send out is not only for third parties. It’s a message you will also constantly receive, not only for a short period of time, but rather all the time. And if that message is not realistic, the only thing it will do is bring down your confidence.

So, this personal analysis work is what’s most important. And defining and choosing what you must demonstrate and transmit is essential.

Once you’ve defined what you must say about yourself, you can begin building your personal branding.

The messages must be absolutely clear and there should be no more than three.

For example, in my case, it would be good to send out messages of mastery, seriousness and positivity. And each person should choose their own messages carefully.

One personality feature that defines me very well and I also think is worth showing is my positivity. When you talk with me, implicit in my verbal language are a number of expressions that reveal this and, above all, my intonation when speaking. It’s not like I do so in a forced manner as it just comes out naturally. But I do it conscientiously to be able to work on it and adjust it towards my goals.

Yet my intonation when writing is more difficult to reflect, so I make sure the last thing people read when I sign off is always the same in order to keep that positivity I’m known for in there: “Cheers”.

Once the goals are defined, the analysis has been done and the messages determined, you’re ready to draw out your style. The style that defines you and shows off the best version of yourself. You choose your own style when dressing, you choose the font that best defines that style when writing and take care with all communication. You think about the type of language you should use in all communications. The colours that will embellish them and be suitable for them, etc.

In other words, based on the style created, you unify everything about you: your look, behaviour, the way you speak, the way you write, everything. Looking after all the little details will lead to flawless results.

When online, you should take into account all aspects and not just professional ones as what you consider to be personal will also count.

Always remember that your personal website is part of your personal branding. Your LinkedIn profile is too. But never make the mistake of ignoring your accounts on Instagram, TikTok or any other social media you use. Because nothing that has to do with you, even if it may seem to be outside the professional arena, is exempt from being included as part of your personal branding.

When it comes to creating proper personal branding, success lies in looking after everything and never leaving any ends loose, as well as understanding that everything around you is a part of you and is your best form of advertising.

It goes without saying that being good at what you do is important, but I’d even dare to say that knowing how to demonstrate it is even more so.

So, building a proper reputation and taking care with all the details is guaranteed to create powerful personal branding so all your effort will be worth it.