Innovation in Guided Dental Surgery: Inibsa’s Commitment to Digital Technology

Interview with Eduard Goñalons, Director of Marketing and Sales Iberia at Inibsa

In an era where digital technology has become the cornerstone of significant advancements in healthcare, pioneering companies like Inibsa are at the forefront, radically transforming dental surgery. Through our recent partnership with Barcelona Health Hub, a non-profit association promoting innovation in digital health, we are proud to present an exclusive conversation with Eduard Goñalons, Director of Marketing and Sales Iberia at Inibsa. In this interview, Eduard reveals how Inibsa is leading the digital revolution in the dental field with innovative projects like guided surgery, highlighting the positive impact on medical practice and patient experience. Moderated by Beth Prat, Director of The Kilite, this conversation not only delves into the evolution and future of digital health from Inibsa’s perspective but also celebrates the crucial role of strategic collaborations in advancing towards a more innovative future in healthcare. Get ready to discover how the convergence of technology, vision, and collaboration is redefining excellence standards in dental care.

Beth Prat: To start, we’re very interested in understanding the current landscape of the digital health segment. From Inibsa’s perspective, how have you seen this area evolve in recent years and what impact has this evolution had on dental practice?

Eduard Goñalons: I appreciate this opportunity to discuss such an important topic, which in recent years has become one of the key trends in the overall healthcare sector. Particularly in the dental field, over the past decade, we have witnessed a dramatic transformation in clinical practice. Just 2 or 3 years ago, digitalization was more of a novelty, with only about 25% of dental clinics incorporating digital technologies. Today, that figure stands at over 70%, a change that has revolutionized the way dental care is provided. This technological leap has enabled more precise and personalized treatments, marking a before and after in the quality of care and outcomes for patients.

Beth Prat: We’ve recently seen the collaboration between Inibsa and BiteRight, an alliance promising to revolutionize dental surgery. Could you share more details about how this guided surgery project can transform implantology?

Eduard Goñalons: This collaboration with BiteRight represents a milestone for us. By combining our expertise in tissue regeneration and surgical solutions with BiteRight’s technological innovation, we are taking dental surgery to a new level. Digital guided surgery relies on advanced digital techniques to improve the accuracy of implants and prosthetics. However, what truly sets BiteRight’s solution apart in the market is its accessibility, simplicity, and guarantee of success. It’s a solution that requires no initial investment, software installation, or licensing fees. It’s a web-based system, just three steps, which means a very fast learning curve for the dentist. Its simplicity also translates into time and effort savings during the intervention. Additionally, being compatible with most implant brands gives dentists the flexibility to adapt to each case. For patients, this results in less stressful experiences, faster recoveries, and more satisfactory outcomes. Our vision has always been to improve patients’ quality of life through innovation, and this alliance allows us to significantly advance toward that goal by offering safer, personalized, and efficient treatments.

Beth Prat: Eduard, we’d like to know more about the origin of this innovative guided surgery project. How did the idea come about, and what obstacles did you have to overcome?

Eduard Goñalons: The idea of guided surgery arose from our constant search for solutions that could drive the evolution of dental surgery, just as we have done for the past 30 years with leading products in bone and soft tissue regeneration in collaboration with global leaders like Switzerland’s Geistlich. By observing emerging technological trends and listening to the needs of industry professionals, we identified the opportunity to collaborate with BiteRight to take these innovations to the next level. One of the main challenges (which has also become a competitive advantage) has been integrating 3D printing and CAD technology. In this way, we not only do not interfere with existing workflows, but we also facilitate the process for the clinician. We have put a lot of effort into ensuring that the technology is accessible and manageable by the dentist, which involves significant training and adaptation work. Close collaboration with BiteRight has been and continues to be key to overcoming these obstacles, allowing us to offer a solution that truly improves both treatment effectiveness and patient experience.

Beth Prat: Within the guided surgery project, how has digital technology been integrated into daily clinical practice, and what has been the reception among dental professionals?

Eduard Goñalons: The integration has been smooth and very well received. We use computer-aided design (CAD) tools, as well as artificial intelligence resources, to plan procedures and 3D printing techniques, thus facilitating the execution of surgical procedures with maximum guarantee. This has not only improved precision in interventions but has also facilitated dentists’ visualization and treatment planning. The response from professionals has been extremely positive, particularly appreciating how this technology allows them to offer better patient care with greater confidence, predictability, and less time dedication.

Beth Prat: Could you share some specific examples or case studies where the implementation of guided surgery has resulted in significant improvements in patient outcomes?

Eduard Goñalons: Certainly, one of the standout examples is that of a patient in need of multiple implants. Thanks to guided surgery, we were able to accurately plan the placement of implants before the intervention. This not only reduced surgical time by over 60% but also minimized the risk of complications, resulting in a faster and less painful recovery for the patient. Another case was that of a patient in need of complex dental reconstruction, for which guided surgery allowed for a completely personalized approach that significantly improved the functionality and aesthetics of their smile. These cases illustrate how guided surgery can positively transform the treatment experience for patients, both in relatively straightforward cases for the professional and in much more delicate or complex situations.

Beth Prat: It’s truly exciting to see how Inibsa is leading this change in the healthcare sector, with innovation as a fundamental pillar. Before we conclude, is there anything else you would like to share with us about your guided surgery project or Inibsa’s future vision?

Eduard Goñalons: Thank you, Beth. I take this opportunity to emphasize the importance of collaboration and innovation in the healthcare sector. With our guided surgery project in collaboration with BiteRight, we are not only ushering in a new era in dental surgery but also demonstrating how technology can make treatments safer, more effective, and accessible. Looking ahead, we are excited to see the possibilities that digitization offers to continue improving healthcare. And Inibsa is fully committed to leading this change, working hand in hand with healthcare professionals, patients, and partners like BiteRight to realize our vision of more personalized and humane healthcare.

Beth: It’s been a real pleasure speaking with you, Eduard. At The Kilite, we deeply value evolution, change, and creativity, considering them essential pillars for inspiring and advancing our society. We are honored to serve as a platform for disruptive companies like Inibsa, which are leading the way towards a more innovative future in the dental sector. We sincerely appreciate your time and the inspiring ideas you have shared with us.

We are excited to see how this journey towards innovation in digital health continues to evolve with Inibsa